Shim washers – does the thickness really matter?

In this day and age we’re quite used to machines and equipment being tuned or serviced so that it works as intended with precision. Whilst it would be fair to say that we’d all understand that this means to the highest level of excellence possible, it’s not always the case that everyone knows exactly how this is achieved. Although the term “with precision” sounds rather grand and involved, it can often be achieved by the smallest of changes.

As far as examples for that last point go, few would exemplify it to the extent which shim washers do. The components – often simply referred to as support washers – are small, thin and relatively lightweight. Despite this, they are quite often the one thing required to make sure equipment or machinery works in the precise way intended.

If you were to ask someone what the main function of a washer was it’s likely you’d get one of two answers. The most common of these is that they serve to stop surface damage being caused to equipment by nuts and bolts. After this the most frequent answer is that they serve to distribute the force and weight of a bolt equally, ensuring that optimal success is achieved. Whilst both of these are correct, there are other purposes served.

One of the most important services provided by shim washers is the closing of excessive gaps inside a design. The value of doing so is often quite extraordinary. Placing the correct width and diameter washer on a bolt can – and often does – make the difference between equipment performing correctly and the creation of a vibrating, rattling noise.

Getting the benefits of a shim washers for your machinery or equipment is dependent on the exact measurement of the component. In terms of thickness, it really can be that so little as a 0.1mm differential in the washer used can be the difference between success and failure.

We know, understand, and value the importance of this knowledge. This is something we show by making sure you get, with precision, the correct shim washers for your requirements.