Fixings & Fasteners at Caleb Components

Caleb Components offers a wide range of Fixings & Fasteners on our online store.

Products include Circlips, Cotter Pins, Roll Pins, Push On Fasteners, Snap Rings, Tool (Terry) Clips, Screws, Nuts, Bolts, Anchor Bolts & Studs, and much more.

You can purchase just small pack quantities at great prices! If you require large bulk quantities, then please contact us & we will be happy to help you.

Here at Caleb Components, we are always expanding the range of products on our online store. Check daily to find what new products have been added, or use the link provided below.

New Products:

To view our current range of Fixings & Fasteners, please use this link provided:

Mixed CirclipsExtractable Dowel Pins DIN 7979D